NCF reach out to remote Gorkha villages with emergency aid.

Witnessing people’s heavy suffering & destruction of their property in the Gorkha villages completely broke our hearts, made us cry while people were sharing their sorrow, suffering and pain of losing their loved ones. With much sadness and full of emotions Namaste Community Foundation ( team was able to reach out some remote Gorkha villages ( which are few Km away from last Saturday earthquake epic-center) after 8 hours rough drive, where no any foreign aid and government support has reached yet.

After being with villagers, listening their sorrow and knowing their needs during emergency aid distribution; NCF-Nepal team is even more determined to help these most suffered people with more aid packages (food, tents, mattress, clothes, medicine etc ).

Therefore, we are going to deliver around 300 aid packages along with other items most possibly by tomorrow. If you want to be the part of this most human crises recovery by showing your love, care, compassion and humanity then please let us know. We know that it is not possible for everybody to help physically all these victim people from far away although there is huge possibility for you to act through Namaste Community Foundation. We will be very delighted to deliver your love, care, warmth while helping many people in Gorkha and other districts. Our emergency aid program will be continued until we are financially supported by locally and internationally therefore consider to be a part of this good cause IF YOU ARE NOT YET .

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- Published on May 2, 2015