
NCF Nepal in News Media
We would like to thank Nepali news media especially to Arthikawaj, Safalawaj, Parchaya, Everest FM, Adarsha Television and other news media for covering our Covid support related activities in their daily news portal. This act of kindness has impacted positively on organizational goodwill at the same time, increased number of enquiries of additional support service

The dedicated Covid Care Hospital – Ready
After working tirelessly for couple of weeks, the hard work has started to show a sunrise towards covid care patients. The 100 beds capacity Dedicated Covid Care Hospital in Pokhara is ready to serve Covid patients partially and give a GIFT of LIFE again. There are still some additional works in progress like: installation of additional beds

Nutritious food to Covid Patients
We extended our support in providing nutritious food to the covid patients and their relatives in a local community Infectious and Communicable Disease Hospital in Lekhnath, Pokhara for 4 days. This includes all day meal (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks and dinner). Altogether 60 patients and their relatives were benefitted from this activity.

Our support to save Covid patient’s life
NCF Nepal managed to handover 2 oxygen concentrator (10 Ltr. capacity) machine to the Covid Hospital Lekhnath, Pokhara, in presence of Honorable Chief Minister, Mayor and Hospital Directors of Pokhara. This machine has already been installed and started to serve the covid patients. Each machine can serve 2 patients at a time. Pokhara Tourism Council

Tiny hands in Social Cause
Miss Arshiya Paudel; daughter of Visma Raj Paudel, who had contributed towards social cause on the auspicious occasion of her 12th birthday. While celebrating her birthday on 29th May 2021, she decided to donate all money she received from her family and relatives towards the covid care support fundraising under NCF Nepal. We would like

Helping those in need on birthday
Our Founder/Chairperson Mr. Visma Raj Paudel celebrated his birthday (27th May 2021); to make some DIFFERENCE in the lives of people, who have been risking their lives to save others in this covid circumstances. This includes: BiPAP masks, surgical mask, soaps, oximeters, sanitizers, PPE sets, gloves, vehicle disinfection kits and groceries & pocket money to covid patients.

Groceries to the less fortunates
On 4th June 2021, Namaste Community Foundation managed to share some groceries to the less fortunate villagers of Kaskikot Village, ward no 24 in presence of Honorable Mr. Rajiv Pahari, his team and Chairman of ward office, Pokhara-24. A total of 45 families were supported with a bag of rice, lentils, salt, beans, soybean, noodles,

Our service towards Covid Care
In close coordination with our partner charities abroad, we are focusing our service on PREVENTION, CARE AND FUTURE USAGE of covid circumstances. That means, we have tried to save people from possible virus expansion, supported various ways for ongoing treatment and supported to buy covid care equipment in the hospital, that might be necessary for future treatment.

Medicine & other safety materials to Covid Patients
After a request from ward chairperson of Pokhara-21 (Kristi), we also have handed over 50 sets of packages all included with essential medicines, vitamin tablets, hand sanitizers, thermometer, oximeter, and surgical masks for the covid affected people in this area. All these essential materials have been handed over to the ward office in the presence

Feed poor families
We are going to celebrate our foundation’s 19th Anniversary by sharing some groceries with the low-income families. The daily wage workers living temporarily around Pokhara, are badly suffering for livelihood due to lockdown and no work circumstances. The celebration will be for 3 days starting from 9th -11th June 2021. We invite you to be

The devastation caused by Covid – 2nd Wave
The ongoing Covid-19 and its changing variants is rapidly spreading and increasing casualties every day in Nepal, creating an alarming situation for all of us. It has shown a harsh light in the lack of medical infrastructure. The daily confirmed cases seems reducing this week, yet there are many unreported cases in remote areas due

Yoga Class at our home
After completing their final examination, our children are having their free time. But due to continuous lockdown, it hasn’t been easy for all of us. So, to reduce the mental stress; our children have joined online Yoga and Meditation Classes with the help of Miss Sangam Pahari, who is associated with “Art of Living” in

The Covid-19 ravages a huge fear to Nepal as it has been exploding in the country over the last few weeks. The humanitarian organizations have expressed big worry about the unfolding crisis and says this is just the tip of the iceberg for Nepal. The deaths are rising sharply due to lack of supply of

Make a Donation!
It has been truly amazing journey of being a change agent for those in need for over 17 years. NCF Nepal greatly appreciates your continuous support and commitment. Each and everyone involved in this journey has made a positive impact for many beneficiaries associated with us. But due to the Covid circumstances, the current donation

Children’s Success
Four children from our Children’s Home program: Dal Bahadur Kunwar, Deumaya Thapa, Aasish Sharma, and Nandakali Pokhrel have recently graduated 12th grade securing great marks. We all at NCF-Nepal would like to congratulate them on their excellent results. We wish them good luck in their future education and are confident about their likely success.

Exam Preparations
Due to the impact of Covid-19, our academic calendar has been pushed out two months. Currently, children, up to grade 10, are studying for their third terminal examination, which is going to start next week. The 11th & 12th graders are preparing for their final term, which they will start in June 2021. After graduation

Re-Opening WEP
The Covid-19 situation compelled us to close our Women’s Empowerment Centre, Ghachowk, for a year. But, while it was closed, we organized the distribution of some emergency food and Covid care items, fruit trees, and arranged occasional field visits to keep up with the current situations of all 206 trainees associated with us. Now, some

Encouraging Educational Improvements
We all at NCF-Nepal are happy to share some happiness with the students of Shree Sukraraj Secondary School, Pokhara-22, Pumdivumdi, Kaski. We managed to collect donations of Nrs 50,000 for stationery, prizes, and other educational improvement programs. Mr. Visma Raj Paudel encouraged everyone to utilize the support in the best possible way. NCF-Nepal would like

Drinking Water to School Children
Namaste Community Foundation is also working with 2aid-Germany in initiating a drinking water project for one of the schools in Ghachowk. The construction, including preparing the ground and laying the pipes, is almost half completed. We hope to finish the entire project within three weeks. When finished, it will be ready to serve 150+ students,

New team members
NCF-Nepal has added three new members to our family to help support our social work in Nepal. Due to the Covid-19 circumstances, a few of our employees were not able to continue their work, either fully or partially. To fulfill the vacancies, we have recently added a house sister, an assistant accountant, and an assistant