
Agriculture and Livestock Training
We are going to organize a 2 months training for 25 participants on agriculture and livestock. The training also includes counseling lessons, motivational classes, business classes and a micro finance support to start their own business. We also follow them regularly for up to 5 years to see their changes after our support.

Celebrating various festivals
It is a famous proverb that a Nepalese has more festivals than days in a year. But, although it is not possible to celebrate all festivals, we try our best to make aware about some major festivals to our children and celebrate simply and economically. Within three months we have celebrated cow festival, janai purnima, democracy day, Buddha jayanti, labor days, etc.

Birthday party
14th August 2014 On the auspicious occasion of her birthday; Hilde Bleijswijk has sponsored a Mo:Mo (dumplings) party at our children’s home . Mo:Mo’s area popular fast food in Nepal and our children love them.

Music Therapy
A music class has been organized with a support from Australian volunteer. She has been organizing these classes for 3 days a week in our both children homes. Our children are enjoying the class and learning with great joy.

Welcoming new volunteers
We have welcomed 1 volunteer from Australia and 3 volunteers from Denmark have arrived to support us for 3-6 months period. Similarly, we also have got few volunteers from Hope and Home organization to support our mission. There are also few other interns in a way to come and help us.

A wedding ceremony
One of our staff working in Finance Department Miss. Rima Khawas got married. We all at NCF-Nepal would like to congratulate for her new married life and wish them a happy life ever.

A farewell program
A farewell was organized for two staff members: Rishi Acharya and Hima Gurung. Mr. Visma Raj Paudel, the founder and director of NCF, expressed his sincere gratitude for their contributions toward the organization. They both shared their work experience and sweet memories of NCF.

Welcomed new staff
We also welcomed a new staff member at Onni Children's House in Damside. Miss Samjhana B.K. started her work as a house sister on the 12th of May, 2014.

Research for new project
With intentions of starting a new project, we visited some of the reputed children's houses around Pokhara. We took into consideration the practices and thoughts of various organizations. We found that there are many challenges for those who are working for trafficked women as well as for those who are attempting reintegration into society. This reiterated the idea that a transit home is equally important for children who are going to be reintegrated.

Brainstorming session
A two-day brainstorming session was organized for all the staff working under NCF with an aim of identifying any problems or difficulties. Everyone found the brainstorming session to be very useful. They openly shared their questions and problems that they had been facing during their work.

Support for a good cause
NCF team members worked very hard in a fund raising program to support the Network of Children Homes, Kaski. The program was organized in the hall of Pokhara Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Children from various children's homes entertained everyone by performing their talents, which included dancing, comedy, singing, and poetry

Empowering staff
We recently conducted a one-day management training session for all the officer level staff of NCF. The training was based on topics such as office management, time management, and teamwork. Everyone who participated in the training session found it very interesting and useful.

Women Empowerment Program
The first phase of tailoring training has been successfully completed for the Women Empowerment Program at Ghachowk. The closing program was organized with all the trainees, their relatives, chief guest from District Women Development Officer etc

Educational support to 120 needy children
Scholarship distribution was held on 24th April 2014. On that day 120 students received educational materials (school uniforms, stationary, socks, shoes, and other necessities) for their studies. All together around 270, including the guests and the board members, attended the program

Visiting wish temple
Since the children like to travel and have fun, we took them to Manakamana (wish) Temple for a short tour. This program was financially supported by Friends of Children (Germany).

One day hiking
During the children's vacation, we took them on a hike to Ghachowk, a dream place for a Children's Village of Namaste Community Foundation. A total of 33 children from Lakeside and Damside children's homes participated in this hiking program.

Supporting local school at Ghachowk
NCF – Nepal have appointed one teacher to teach in English medium at Shree BalKalyan Primary School, Ghachowk. This is a step towards supporting local school to improve their quality education. Our team were also participated and involved in the teacher selection process to provide an opportunity for the best without having any bias. Mrs.

Gifts and presents
A bicycle was gifted to one of our partially re-integrated children from Namaste Children’s House, Nepal. This bicycle was gifted by the Friends of Children Nepal, Germany. This would help her for the daily transportation for studying college and would save an average of 1 hour every day time. Currently she is doing her 11th

Wedding Ceremony
Sunil B.K who has been raised under Namaste Community Foundation for 11 years; stepped in to his next stage of his life. He got married recently with a girl from Kahun khola, Kaski District.Man Singh Chaudhary (Manager at NCF-Nepal) was participated as a guardian of Sunil BK on the wedding ceremony. He blessed both the